Calling BAT amp/preamp owner

First of all, my set up is vk75se, vk50se, krell kav300cd, and sf grand piano. I just notice yesterday (I didn't really pay attention to this before) that my system produces quite loud popping noise(static?) from speakers when I mute or turn the volume to zero. I am wondering if my fella bat owners experience this too. I tried to pin point the problem but got some mixed results. First, I suspected a bad driver tube, because the popping noise appears on the same side as the bad tube is (I swapped tubes left to right vice versa), but when I use my Krell HTS preamp, this popping noise is not there when I mute/turn down vol to zero. Which mean the driver tube is ok. I'm confuse...
Hello, I just replaced both 6H30 tubes with the new ones(sovtek) and Tenniswino is right, that seems to solve the problem. No more loud pops when muted. Thanks guys.
OK, guys, I've never heard ANY noise on muting, on/off, input change, etc, from VK3i. However, now I have a rythymic, low volume "ping" when unit is powered on, with no input. Not present when its muted. Sounds fantastic, no way it could be heard even with lowest level of gain when listening to a source. Any ideas?

Thanks for sharing your results. It looks like I should retube my vk50se. How does the sovek tube sound compare to the NOS from BAT?