Worth it to buy cheap, but no audition integrated

Hi all, I have a pathetic system but I have begun upgrading. I just bought a pair of Axiom M22Ti's that are awesome, and next on the list is an integrated amp. I'm looking in the 550$ range and want your opinion. Is it worth it to buy used but higher quality material, then to actually go audition new products?
The reason I ask is that there are many amps that I have found to like online, but only from reviews, etc... Specifically there are some great deals on the roksan Kandy integrated that I'm seriously considering. Anyone heard this integrated run?

I also need a CD player, but am not sure how much to spend in that area, would 300-400 be enough?
Hi. I would definately buy used higher end in just about any case. I have been doing this audio thing with a college student budget for a while and buying high quality used is the way to go for sure. For integrated, I would check out a Creek 4330. For CD, a Sony ES player (single or 5 disc) can be found for just about any price and they are excellent.
My Suggestion:
Pioneer Elite PD 65-Ask for date code on the rear of the player.I wouldn't buy one that is too old.

Musical Fidelity A3 Integrated-I love this amp and have compared it directly to McCormack.Close enough to prevent me from spending the extra money.

Also Kimber 4tc/pbj cables

Used equipment may sometimes be a better value, but the most important thing to consider is the proper interface and matching of the sonic signatures of your different components.
During a momentary lapse of reason, I downsized one of my systems from separates to an integrated amp. I purchased both an Audio Refinement Complete and NAD c350 integrated amp. While they both sound ok for the money, I would say the NAD is the better value. I purchased a new, "refurbished" one for less than $400 and it seemed brand new and worked perfectly. It has slightly less overall resolution than the Audio Refinement but it also has a richer midrange and smoother highs that will probably match up better with the Axiom's metal dome tweeters. For a low cost cd player, I think one of the best values at the moment is the Sony DVD-NS500V. It is a dvd player, but you can play cds thru its 2 channel output. It is being discontinued but is available at close out prices of around $150-180. It also plays SACD's, but it's redbook performance was a pleasant surprise given its low cost.
Of course in the end, it is hard to make a purchase with no audition. We don't know your personal taste or hearing. I heard the same difference between the NAD and the AR Complete as Joe_b, except what is "richer" and "smoother" on the NAD for Joe, was "dullness" to me. I actually the same impression of the Rega Planet CD player. What is smooth to many is dull to me.

You'll have to decide what works for you.

The Planet is a great choice if that is your preference in sound. If you want a great lively CD player for $300 to $350 used, then go to eBay now. There are actually three Cambridge Audio CD-6 players up for auction currently. Usually there are none.

The Kandy integrated has brute power and solid build quality but sounded a bit unrefined to my ears. FWIW, it did receive high ratings in the British audio press, however. For $550, the Audio Refinement Complete (used), or a new NAD, Creek Audio or Cambridge Audio integrated should do you right. For a $3-400 CD player, look for a new or used Rotel, Creek or Cambridge Audio, or a Cal Audio Icon MKII.