Worth it to buy cheap, but no audition integrated

Hi all, I have a pathetic system but I have begun upgrading. I just bought a pair of Axiom M22Ti's that are awesome, and next on the list is an integrated amp. I'm looking in the 550$ range and want your opinion. Is it worth it to buy used but higher quality material, then to actually go audition new products?
The reason I ask is that there are many amps that I have found to like online, but only from reviews, etc... Specifically there are some great deals on the roksan Kandy integrated that I'm seriously considering. Anyone heard this integrated run?

I also need a CD player, but am not sure how much to spend in that area, would 300-400 be enough?
I just realized last night that the Sony DVD player I recommended above needs to be connected to a TV in order to easily use its track programming capabilities, if that sort of feature is impt. I have tried the older Rega Planet you are leaning toward and I think the Sony sounds better. YMMV.
Linn Majik, Anthem, Jolida, SimAudio - all on this site right now around your price range. Also a Linn Classic you might consider.