Charles + Frederik, thanks for your replies.
Firstly, Charles I agree with you and your interpretations of Volleyguy's findings. The Duelunds are very much highly resolving caps letting you see deeper into the recording..with them I can almost tell you what colour the sound engineer's undies were at time of the recording..
Yes the tone is there as well but body perhaps not..I may have a different interpretation of body, for me it implies resonance and reverberation..not only the reverberating wooden body of a string instrument as such but the gestalt wholeness of the music with all its interplays.
Under pure and optimally damped recording conditions you should only hear the instruments and their respective bodies..but often in most live settings, one's I'm used to, you will here all sorts of resonance and reverberation..some may also call it distortion as well.. but it's inherently and ubiquitously present and has been part of the natural way music has been experienced for decades...
As for listening purely to studio or electronically generated recordings then I agree you should only hear what's been recorded, signal preservation as you properly called it. However here again I'm more inclined to a softer less resolving sound.. I do a lot of listening a access of 12 hours sometimes, and often to poorly recorded CDs and the highly compressed one's of late
as well. So I don't necessarily want to hear 'everything' put on a CD..especially if it happens to be a direct product of the 'loudness wars'..
I feel we all have slightly different takes on what may be optimal to our man's natural might be another's strident..and someone's warm might be perceived as hazyiness to another..I might not even have properly tuned and balanced hearing so all objective interpretation of what I hear would be misplaced..
Anyway all this might be taking away from the Duelunds..they are certainly unique sounding caps..the resolution and tone is by far the best in class but I'm probably missing the inaccuracy and distortion of the sound I've been acclimatised to over the years..perceived as body/fullness etc.
Frederik, if by absolute polarity you mean phase..? then the Minimax DAC has a phase switch which I have has helped on some recordings but I've generally felt it only marginally affected the sound. I haven't tried reversing the wires on the speakers.. I also have some lower efficiency ProAcs I will blow the dust off and hook up when my Tinnitus subsides..
I do want to give the Duelunds a fair chance of break-in and extended re-balancing and integration within the system or within a system that suits better..