Do I need more power?

I recently got a rogue audio tempest magnum to go with my audio physic sparks. It has a great sound, but starts to break up a bit if i turn the volume way up. The integrated amp only has 60 watts. Do I need something else with more power? Ive thought of getting a preamp, but that seems like a waste given that this is an integrated. Should I look to trade this in and start with something totally different? Should I go for separates? Get a different integrated with more power? Any advice would be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot.
Hello Rhharris,

Most speakers require only a few watts to play at a moddest level. However, anything with a dynamic passage whether it be a horns, cymbals or drums can require as moch as ten fold. Essentially, what happens when you play something requiring a great deal of power the amp provides what it is normally capable ofand, since the sine wave cannot be completed it simply squares off. Think of an ice cream cone with the top cut off. Hence the term "clipping".

The other expressed conscern is the fact that your speakers present a 4 ohm load. Taking this into consideration it is unlikley that clipping is the case. Think of ohms, in which is a measurement of resistance, as a group of people guarding a doorway and current as an other group of people trying to pass through that doorway. Simply put, the more Ohms (guards) the less current (people) will be able to slip through and vica versa. Because your speakers offer a lesser load (resistance) than your amp was presented with when its output was measered, it can actually produce more than 60 watts without "clipping". Thus, I would conclude, as Sean suggested, that you are driving the speakers too hard not the amp.

I would also agree with Elevick's suggestion. Limmiting the bass responce to the speakers no only takes the strain off your amp but more importantly your speakers.

Happy Listening

Thanks to all for all the advice. On the Velodyne subs, there's a huge price range. Any suggestions? What do i need?

Also, does this mean i shld just stick with the amp? That is, it sounds like getting an amp with more watts wont make a difference since the speaker cldnt handle more anyway. Is that right? (But that confuses me because i was able to turn the volume up higher on my previous amp -- a cheap yamaha solid state -- without clipping.)
Use the 4 OHM taps on the Tempest. The 88 and the 120 have both 8 and4 ohm taps. I belive the Tempest does alos. Check with Rogue.
Elevick, you suggestion is brutal. You have no class or ethics.
This brings up a question for more of a tech'ster like Sean. Tube amps are transformer coupled at the output and if I am not mistaken they will not put out more power into a lower impedence load like most solid state designs.Is this correct? I have never had trouble with reasonably low loads with smallish tube amps. Is my experience different from others? The other questions that remain are, is this a very large room, and how loud is "realy loud"? The speakers are as far as I can tell from the info I can find, about 89db in terms of sensitivity. for realy loud in a big room with a 60 watt tube amp, which is in reality quite a bit of real world juice, i would say you need to look into the Silverline speakers like the SonataII( Lots'O $$$!) which is rated at something like 95db(which would play quite loud with an 8 watt SET amp ) or go for the Bi-amp subwoofer sugestion mentioned by Elevick, which is what I have done. I like the sub set up with my 45 watt tube amp, 88db sensitivity speakers,300 watt sub, moderate room dimensions. It will play louder that you really should listed at times.
To address Maxgain's question about tube amp output at lower impedances: If, as Natalie and I have suggested, the tube amp's output transformer's output impedance is well-matched to the speaker load, a good tube amp should be able to output an equal, or somewhat greater, amount of power into a lower impedance speaker load, but will not be capable of "doubling down" as some SS amps can accomplish. HOWEVER, be they tube or SS, ALL amps are limited by their power supplies when it comes to their ultimate current output capabilities.

This is why 2001impala's explanation above is unfortunately a bit too simplistic. A better way to look at the situation is that a nomimal 4-ohm speaker DEMANDS more current (about twice as much) from an amplifier to reproduce the same signal as a nominal 8-ohm speaker would. Current output capability is not the strongest point of either smaller tube amps in general (tubes being better at voltage gain than current gain), or of small integrateds in general (which usually feature a shared power supply for the amp and preamp sections, and usually not a terribly large one at that). Hence, 8-ohm speakers are often recommended for moderately powered tube amplifiers, and this should help explain why the SS Yamaha could go louder in comparision (but did it sound as good?!).

Still, as long as you are using the correct output taps on the amp, I doubt you have created a serious mismatch with your amp and speakers here. Rather, I think Maxgain's points about room size, and what exactly constitutes "loud" to you, are very well-taken. You MAY have a slight mismatch on your hands between your system, your room, and your listening preferences. Despite Natalie's misgivings, Elevick and Maxgain are entirely correct when they state that adding a powered subwoofer (doesn't have to be a Velodyne) will extend system headroom, PROVIDED:

1) The sub must be run crossed-over to the speakers, rather than simply supplementing their full-range output.

2) For the amp as well as the speakers to be relieved of the power-sucking bass-reproduction duties, the crossover will have to be implemented at line-level (between the preamp and amp), rather than at the speaker level (between the amp and the speakers). This will require that your integrated feature preamp out/amp in jacks - something many integrateds lack - and for the subwoofer to be designed to operate in this manner, which most subs are not (they lack the external crossover). (For more info on this type of setup, you might want to visit the Vandersteen website and read the links pertaining to use of their 2Wq subwoofer.)

However, although such a set-up will accomplish the increased dynamic capability you desire, I am not necessarily recommending it, as the odds are actually rather iffy that the result will SOUND as good as running the system straight-up the way you presently are. Integrating a subwoofer successfully into your system in the manner I refer to above, especially when it will have to be run fairly high up in frequency to have a beneficial effect on your amp and speakers' dynamic capabilities, can be extremely difficult, and may not be worth the expense or trouble as opposed to just upgrading your speakers and amp eventually. It CAN be done in certain cases, but there are no guarantees - most audiophiles who use a sub prefer it to just supplement the extreme low-end of the spectrum while still employing true full-range speakers which are run that way (not crossed-over), a solution that can potentially benefit the sound quality, but not the system's dynamic capability.

Both your amp and your speakers are best suited for small to medium rooms, and neither qualifies as headbanger material. If you feel that you have achieved a step-up in sound quality with the Rogue amp, and are not a headbanger with a large listening room, then my first suggestion would be just enjoy it within its limits, and learn to listen at a slightly lower volume if need be. One possibly helpful approach, though, is contained on the Audio Physic website. If you don't already have your speakers set up to listen in the nearfield, this is what AP happens to recommend. The farther away you sit, the more power is needed to achieve the same apparent volume. AP speakers, unlike many others, are actually designed to be listened to close up. Their website details the particulars, and if you haven't tried this already, doing so should result in an increase in perceived volume capability. Best of luck, and happy listening!