What is "critical listening"?

Is critical listening the art of finding nits on a bald head or a is it a hard fought for level of listening acumen and competence that prevents one from buying second rate equipment? If there is such a thing, does it enhance the listening experience or detract from it?

At what point is it safe or correct to self-anoint and wear the mantle of "critical listener"?
Interesting posts! In reality, each poster is DEFINING what she/he means by "critical listening"! Good to know because wee understand each other better. Like Detlof, Bomarc & others, I use the expression for gauging equipment!!! I.e., there, I'm NOT (critically) listening to the musical performance (as per Subaru, Asa, etc) but at a set INFORMATIONAL check-list: a mental process relating to the reproduction ONLY. (BTW, not so often anymore.)

In Subaru's sense, my expression would be "opinion /evaluation of the performance".

BTW, it now takes me some time (10-15 mins), everyday, to settle down, relax & get AWAY from the "reproduction informational" part of listening, the surrounding noise, etc, & just savour the music. I'm too wired lately, I suppose...
THEN, I sometimes reach an "interactive" part: URGING, (shouting at) the musicians / the soloist... Actually, thinking about this as I write, isn't this more akin to watching a football match??? Must be nuts.
Good to know I'm not alone, Detlof :)! Bonus for home stereos: you can't do that @ a concert hall!!
Any amplified system begs to be critiqued, be it a "live" rock concert, or second bedroom system. I don't know how many miced events where I had to plug my ears, or back away. Never, thankfully, have I witnessed a home event with such atrocious sound.

There are some home audio maladies that pop out, for instance, a one note bass, excessive grain, or tinny highs. No critical listening is necessary. With some other's audiophile systems, I find I need less critical listening skills, and more diplomacy skills.

I am always grateful to stage techies who create a good PA system. It's a tough job. I love it when I can loose myself in the performance. Ideally, music events wouldn't be ampliphied. Unfortunately, we audiophiles haven't the choice.

It is the recreating of better recorded performances at home, that I put myself into a critical listening mode. Knowing the possible keeps system improvements on an incrementally rewarding path, leading it to where, hopefully, I never have to critically listen again.