What kind of amp?

Hi. I would welcome opinions and suggestions for an integrated amp (ss or tube)(new or used) that would go with my system. I am venturing into the great new world of hi-fi and am tin the process of upgrading -- I am a bit overwhelmed by choices. I am looking for a good, solid all-arounder -- jazz, classical, latin, pop/rock, and thought this would be great place to get some advice. I have about $2500 or so to spend.

System now --

Heart CD-6000
Harbeth compact es&'s
Planar 3 with rega arm
Audioquest type 4 cables
Old creek 4140 s2 amp.

Thanks in advance for your help.
I use a McCormack DNA 0.5, which has not been upgraded by SMC Audio. I hear that the DNA revision A is excellent and is better than some amps at more than twice it's cost. I know that I sure do enjoy my standard DNA. Give them a try. I would then take the left over money and upgrade your cables.
The three really strong solid state amps in your range IMHO are:

1) the Musical Fidelity A3cr ($1600 new, $1000 used) - there is an even better A300cr (not to be confused with the A300 integrated amp) which is around $3k new (I've never seen one used)

2) Bel Canto Evo

3) Bryston 4B-St ($1400 used, not sure new but under $2500)

These are all great amps, but I'm particularly fond of the Musical Fidelity which sound truly wonderful.