What kind of amp?

Hi. I would welcome opinions and suggestions for an integrated amp (ss or tube)(new or used) that would go with my system. I am venturing into the great new world of hi-fi and am tin the process of upgrading -- I am a bit overwhelmed by choices. I am looking for a good, solid all-arounder -- jazz, classical, latin, pop/rock, and thought this would be great place to get some advice. I have about $2500 or so to spend.

System now --

Heart CD-6000
Harbeth compact es&'s
Planar 3 with rega arm
Audioquest type 4 cables
Old creek 4140 s2 amp.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Now I see you asked for integrated. Some of the above and my amps are basic power amps. You want a high-powered integrated. If you like Creek and have a smallish room, I know C7 users who are happy with the 5350se (I think that's what it's called).
Do give the VTL IT-85 a listen in addition to other amps suggested here. This is a great sounding EL34 integrated. I have not been into integrateds, but this is an amp I could really live with were it not for my current speaker set up :-) It is a real sweet amp that does eveything well IMO. Smoothness combined with good authority, excellent imaging and a real sense of space. Just really, really nice all the way around. You can get the IT-85 at a street price that is lower than your budget (I do not recall the exact price but it was lower than the approximately $2500 list.) I will go for this in a heartbeat if I downsize in the future.
I have just listen to the new Parasound Halo series. The amp and preamp will set you back about $1600.00 new. Come with a very good warranty,10 years parts,5 years labor. Very stylish units. The sonics are very good in this price range-Parasound got it all very right with these. Go to www.parasound.com and click on the Halo section for these products. The amp is 125 per side into 8 ohms.
Do yourself a favor, audition the PS Audio HCA-2.

I ordered one thinking, "oh well, I'll audition it, but not much $ lost to send it back." I was curious how a digital amp would sound.

Well, it didn't go back. I was simply stunned how good this amp was and it is relatively cheap. $1695.

It has a tube-like sweet midrange, the highs are crystal clear and it has the speed and slam of SS.

Try it, you'll like it! It truly is a bargain.

BTW, it just got a Stereophile "Class A" recommendation. (Not that that really means much)