Circuit Breaker for Dedicated Lines

Is there a type of 20amp breaker that is better than another? I have run 12 gauge wire and plan on using FIM outlets. Would someone recommend a particular breaker?
Unless you plan to change the panel you don,t have any choice but to use whatever brand your house has. Square D makes the best products however.
I posted something along the same thought about 6 months ago. Someone answered it was against the electrical code to use a different brand of braker from the panel.

I just had to think that if the outlets make a diff so should the brakers...but I guess it's a bad idea for some reason...
Some have reported very good sonic results with ceramic fuses. But, those are not usually allowed by code anymore. Why? Because the 15, 20 and 30 amp fuses are all typically the same size and there have been too many instances where a 15 amp fuse blew and the homeowner decided to use a 20-30 amp fuse instead since it was convenient. Oops!

The National Electrical Code is online (I don't know the location but you can find it via a search on Yahoo). There are also local codes to consider. It's probably easier to just ask your electrician what can be done. Everyone here has reported marked improvements with dedicated lines regardless of fuse types, so that's the main thing. Good luck.
The worst sounding breaker is a GFI type so avoid that completely. But a ceramic base edison fuse is the best sounding above any ckt. breaker by far. If you can outboard a small sub-panel fusebox paralleled across your incoming main, then by all means try it. May not be allowed by all codes, but you can easily do this yourself with only rudimentary electrical skills; are you interested in good sound or rules?