A tubes vs. Solid State question.

I have followed several of the threads regarding the tubes vs Solid State debate and I am puzzled by the dogmatism of this issue. I have several friends here on AudiogoN who are avid tube lovers so my question is obviously an attack on this stand, but do tube lovers think people with solid state equipment are deaf or is it that they have never heard tubes.
I have owned tube equipment and was fairly content with it but I have since changed to all SS gear. I am much happier with my system now that I have ever been before. Dare I say it? Yes I like SS amps, pre-amps, and phono stages! Does that damage my credibility or was it already gone? Maybe I'm wrong but I get the impression tube people think if we SS people ever heard tubes we would trash all of our gear and run to the nearest glowing orange light to buy all new equipment. Am I off the mark?
SS - Tubes. It doesn't make any difference. The debate is over. All you need is this and a brush. Measurements don't matter either. Just paint over the numbers and be done with them.

I remain,
Tube-O-Lator. WOW! the ultimate tweak! clueless, after you've used up your first bottle please write up a testimonial for us. or a pan, whatever. FWIW if you can't hear a difference with tubes or value the difference you hear then stay with ss, its easier to use and it can actually sound quite good. in fact many speakers sound best with ss. i just find it ironic that no tube product manufacturer advertises that its product sounds like solid state. Hum, wonder why.
Hey I forgot the best of it. As the ad says it "transforms cold and harsh sound into warm emotional sound."
If you put Tube-O-Lator directly on your ears even your spouse sounds like he/she is "on tubes." Warmer with a slight "blush" in the mid-range. I highly recommend it.

I remain,
Tubes are simply superior to solid state; boy that should get them going.

I from tubes (CJ Premier 11a) to ss (MF2500) and felt I lost some inner detail but gained some bass. However, my tube amp was only 70 wpc and my ss is 250 which may explain the increase in bass. The amp is driving Thiel 3.6's thru a Conrad Johnson Premier 16ls II pre-amp.
Tom, I have always enjoyed it when you weighed in on any given subject because I usually learn something form your comments. I certainly did not have you in mind when I asked the question.
I know several people here for whom I have nothing but respect who are in the tube camp. I do not mind people having reasoned opinions regardless of the conclusion. I may be wrong about some of my opinions, and I have no problem with people absolutely loving tube equipment. I am certainly not suggesting I will never own another tube pre-amp, or that I will never audition a tube amp.
Maybe I never should have started this thread, but it was the few who act like SS people are tin-eared or have never heard tubes so they do not realize how much better tubes sound that caused me to do it.
Judit, I am using a Krell KRC-2 right now. This is my second Krell pre-amp and I really love the sound of it.
Anne, I agree with you and have no intention of running out and buying something because it glows in the dark. It is more the mindset I am asking about. I'm not sure if this is an inapropriate question but are you really a female audiophile??? That is a rare discovery!
Clueless, you have all together too much time on your hands, but you always make me laugh. There should be some kind of reward for that!
For the most part I ask questions like this to dialog with intelligent people about issues which concern me. Thanks for your responses.