Advice on an upgrade

Well, just a little under 3 months ago, I heard a tubed integrated amp (VTL IT85) in my system, and it blew me away. It really altered my reality. I now feel like I'm just starting out on a major exploration, and I'm ready to discover something new.

I'm thinking about selling the VTL IT85, and upgrade to seperates. I live in a condo, and my speakers probably aren't changing soon, as I love electrostats, and don't think there are any other good options vs. my Logan Aerius i. I really like their sound anyway.

ANYWAY, the 80 wpc did fine for me. I think I'd like to find a stereo tube amp, and a nice tube preamp. Balanced outputs/inputs. Something around 100 or 120 wpc I think is fine.

I'm kind of shying away from monoblocks because of their power requirements. I can't add any dedicated circuits to my apartment. Or am I wrong?



Steve "Dennis" Daigneault
Are monos the way to go? Here are a few of the pieces I was considering:

VAC Renaissance 70/70 sig - stereo (65wpc too low?)
AtmaSphere MA1 mk2.2 monos
VTL MB185 sig monos
Mesa Baron stereo
Cary V12 stereo
others also wondering about...

Air Tight ATM 2
Manley Reference 240/100 monos
VAC PA 100/100
Kora Titan monoblocks
I don't know much about the impedance curve of the M.L.'s, but I hear that many electrostats present a difficult load for some tube amps. Better minds than mine will respond to this comment, I am sure!
Yo Denis: Cross these off your list-- Messa Baron--sonics are not in the same league as the others. Cary---Just won't work with stats. This includes anything they make including the 805c. For power/control/slam,go with AR3. OR--I saw a pair of Walcotts (sans wide band transformers) for 4400. This I think, would get you much further up the chain.---Hey,just an opinion;in case I bashed someone's fav.