Advice on an upgrade

Well, just a little under 3 months ago, I heard a tubed integrated amp (VTL IT85) in my system, and it blew me away. It really altered my reality. I now feel like I'm just starting out on a major exploration, and I'm ready to discover something new.

I'm thinking about selling the VTL IT85, and upgrade to seperates. I live in a condo, and my speakers probably aren't changing soon, as I love electrostats, and don't think there are any other good options vs. my Logan Aerius i. I really like their sound anyway.

ANYWAY, the 80 wpc did fine for me. I think I'd like to find a stereo tube amp, and a nice tube preamp. Balanced outputs/inputs. Something around 100 or 120 wpc I think is fine.

I'm kind of shying away from monoblocks because of their power requirements. I can't add any dedicated circuits to my apartment. Or am I wrong?



Steve "Dennis" Daigneault
I don't know much about the impedance curve of the M.L.'s, but I hear that many electrostats present a difficult load for some tube amps. Better minds than mine will respond to this comment, I am sure!
Yo Denis: Cross these off your list-- Messa Baron--sonics are not in the same league as the others. Cary---Just won't work with stats. This includes anything they make including the 805c. For power/control/slam,go with AR3. OR--I saw a pair of Walcotts (sans wide band transformers) for 4400. This I think, would get you much further up the chain.---Hey,just an opinion;in case I bashed someone's fav.
I have a pair of Martin Logan Ascents and used a Audio research VT100. This match was the best iv'e heard so far with my ML'S and had more then engough power for them. I haven't heard the MKIII, I had a MKI. You should be able to find a MKI or MKII for a really good price. I think the MKIII Has the new super tubes. I myself would stay with the MKI or MMKII, just my opinion. Hope this helps.
dennis, in your original post on your disappointment with the BAT you mentioned that you were hoping for a warm, organic sound. you may recall my comments then. nothing has changed much in my opinion. i think the ML's can sound cold and etched if not properly driven. i think you may find synergy in looking for tube or ss amps with high current delivery which are reputed to be on the warm side of neutral, for example Conrad Johnson. Of the amps you have referred to above which i am familar, i don't think that you will find that they will warm up your system, especially the ARC, Mesa Barron, VAC's and VTL's which require very netural systems to sound best. mono's are not necessarily any better for your needs than stereo amps. i don't think you need really high power in an apartment. were i you, for reference purposes i would borrow an amp reputed to be warmish and put it into you system for a few days and see if that is a possible solution for you. you'll at least see what the differences are between what you have and a "warm"amp. good luck.