Does anyone own the Pass Labs X1 preamp?

There is almost NO discussion of this pre on Audiogon. Archives are bare bones.
Quin - Read Judit's post on 9/22. Note the use of Krell amps and the goals that Judit listed. I achieved EXACTLY those goals when adding the Spectral preamp (while still using my Krell amp).

Also, Judit mentions "I have listened to tubes. Much to love here, but no sale so far. I would really like a solid state pre - but edgy is out." To me that sounded like an open door for other recommendations particularly since Judit closes by saying "Thanks for any feedback you can provide."

Quin, I have at least attempted to provide some value. Your post doesn't offer much of anything. What do you recommend?

I guarantee you that Judit would be DELIGHTED with a Spectral preamp -- I certainly have been delighted with mine. (I couldn't resist sneaking in another plug for Spectral.) :-)

Hi Ken,

Nonetheless, he started the thread inquiring about the Pass Labs X1. "Does Anyone Own the Pass Labs X1 preamp?"

Since you apparently do not, then plugging Spectral(twice) seems quite deviant from the initial inquiry. :-)

Having some experience with Pass Labs products, I would politely suggest that the X1, utilizing the Supersymmetric gain topology that Pass uses in their X power amps, offers a dynamic, transparent, and musical presentation. It has plenty of gain (sometimes too much for sensitive speakers), excellent instrument placement in the soundstage, and a lively characteristic that is quite faithful to the source information presented to it. Combining the Pass with the Krell would enhance the bottom end slam that K is known for, allowing also for excellent control of the lower registers. Plus, the X1 is airy enough and somewhat less analytical than the Krell preamps, so it might ease the Krell as would a tube without compromising dynamics, and certainly without any of the maintenance issues.
The Supersymmetric circuit topology that Pass uses effectively reduces noise and distortion by an order of magnitude compared to other such gain circuits. This allows for very fast transients and explosive peaks.


The DMC-30S lists for $6500. It is just slightly more expensive than the X1, which lists for $5990.
This is just my opinion so please bear with me. But I have heard several all spectral set-ups in an ultra-high end store and yes they are very transparent and offer high resolution, but I found them very dry, analytical and non-musical. It might have been the associated components, but I did not like them at all-I prefered Pass and Rowland. Again, JMHO