Wolcott 220 compatible with ribbon speakers?

Are Wolcott 220m presence mono amplifiers compatible with ribbon type speakers? Specifically Genesis 200 speakers?
The Genesis is bi-amped, but the bass amp comes with the system and is an active servo driven system. I've not heard the Wolcott's with this system, but I have heard the Genesis with other amplifiers. I think the tubes would be excellent with the 200s, particularly since the ribbons tend to be a little on the harsh side (201s were improved somewhat). That being said, I do not know the impedance curves of the 200s and you should find them out as Audiokinesis has pointed out.
Wolcotts blew away the 4-5 other 'well regarded' amps that I tried with the magnepans. The next closest competitor wasn't even in the same building.
Mejames, looks like several other have answered your question while I was wondering if I had the correct Genesis in mind.

I use Wolcotts on my Soundlab and one of my best friends owns Maggie 20 . The Wolcott runs both so well I cannot imagine doing better.
Conrad johnson mv-50, arc vt100m2, mccormack dna1RevAGold, pass labs aleph 2's in my home. I've heard them with naim nap (140?), a krell kav 300, and the huge classe 400 in other settings.