New to tubes-what the heck does NOS mean?

I checked 50 posts in the forum and saw many references to "NOS" but didn't see what it stands for. Tell me please?
Also, any opinions on good values in EL34 tubes? I've read some good things about EH (Electro-Harmonix) being a good output tube VALUE. Your comments based on actual listening experiences are appreciated.
Thanks and happy listening!
NOS, new, old stock. this was originally coined by the car manufacturers, on parts that were new but were over seven
years of age. When I was restoring my 1960 Ford Starliner, I replaced most of my chrome with NOS parts rather than reproduction parts, it took forever and some very strange places in the US to find them, but they were out there. It is amazing what people will hoard. And it ain't cheap either!!!!
Shubertmaniac, my first car was a red '60 Starliner. That's one rare piece today. A drunk hit my car head on while it was parked in front of my parents house and it was totaled. I'd sure like to see a photo of it. Also, you are right on with the description of the auto manufacturers coining the phrase new old stock.
eh el34 tubes are exact replica of mullards but much cheaper and affordable. they're made in russia, have an outstanding longetivity and quality.
sonically they're softer than svetlana but have greater and deeper bass.
An Intro to NOS tubes: This Article on NOS tubes is a nice intro.

I have an outline of online tube articles if anybody is interested. It is aimed at the diy folks but has some other stuff too.

I remain