What amp is best?

I am looking for amps for my home theater setup. I have a proceed and a pass dealer in my area. I have nautilus 802's left and right nautilus htm1 center and 4 nautilus 805's in the rear.I am going to be using my denon 5800 for my pre. Which amps do you think would be best for my set up?
I have the N802s and an HTM1 up front in my HT (SCM8s for surrounds).

I use an AMP5 for the three front speakers, bi-amping the N802s. I have been very happy with the results.

I can cleanly drive the speakers with zero distortion at volumes far larger than I would ever listen to for an extended period of time.

NOTE: I originally had the AMP 5 running all 5 channels, as my L/R were originally Naut 804s. When I made the jump to the Naut 802s, the AMP5 was a weak link. After bi-amping, all is good. I point this out because a HPA3 may also provide similar results, and allow you to have similar amplification to your front 3 channels.
I have been satisfied with a 300S on my B&W 801 III's. I would try the PASS if I had the chance to. You can never hear them all unless at the CES show which is not always the best acoustics. Those Nautilus speakers will reveal all front end short commings keep in mind. Good luck and happy listening.