who repairs sonic frontiers?

I am tempted to buy a used sonic frontiers tube power amp(the Power one).This would be my first time with tubes and I worry who would fix the amp if it needed repair since I understand the manufacturer has gone out of business.
Also, can anybody recommend a good (but not too expensive) preamp to go with the Power one?
Sonic Frontiers is still repaired through Anthem (Anthem and SF being effectively the same company, just different brands). They have great customer service. My SF3SE somehow did not come with a remote control and they sent me one with no questions asked.


I use an Audio Research ls7 with ugraded tubes and infinity caps.. If you want a phono stage, buy an outboard
The arc can be bought for around 700.. and the phono pre another 200 or so..
As far as the repairs, unk... I hope my sfs 80 doesnt have any issues.. I will be upset.. I love that piece.
Good luck,
Sonic Frontiers is still supporting the products they made. www.soncifrontiers.com
Sonic Frontiers will support the products, but they have to be sent to Canada which is an expensive hassle. Great stuff, but questionable value if a repair is needed.