Class A amplifier choice, need suggestions

What is your favorite class A amp and why? There are many here on Audiogon... Levinson, Krell, Pass Labs, Plinius and an occaisional Accuphase A50V. I am driving Proac Response 3.8s (88dB efficiency). I recently auditioned a Pass Aleph 5 and was stunned by the presentation at only 60wpc.

Your input is much appreciated!
AtmaSphere tube amps, without a doubt work well with my 3.5,s though I'd love to hear from anyone that has compared the proac 3.5,s with the newer 3.8,s
anyone have any idea what a pair of threshold sa/1
mono blocks are worth??

I have a pair, they sound awsome but I have no room for them..

Jademo is right,Just read his review on 102,For me its
one of the best sounding amp I have heard. pass aleph
are also goods amps, But side by side comparison, My
friend and I we both decided Plinius sa 100, is more
musical,with the 102 IMO very few amp can touch it,
for the price and overall performance.Its that good.
my 2 cents.
I am very enjoying my Pass Labs Aleph 2 (pure class A 100Wx2) + ARC Reference II MKI + Genesis G-V (active woofer). In my opinion, Aleph + active speakers is a perfect combo. Aleph is very sweet, warm and smooth for the top end and midrange. However, the weakness is the bass control due to its design. An active woofer speakers can make up Aleph's weakness.

To drive a passive speaker, you might try stepping up to the higher Aleph 1.2 (200Wx2). However, if you'd like to have more bass control, Pass Labs X-350 or above are also good choices. With X's, you sacrifice a bit sweetness and warmness, but you earn more bass control. It is depending on your taste.
Blueswan ,

I think you asked about power amps operating in class-A mode & *NOT* power amps listed in the class-A section of Stereophile!!! Zaikesman pointed this out correctly. I feel that should have been clarified. S'phile should never have labeled their classification "class-A, class-B", etc 'cuz these are bonafide operating modes of power amps & electrical engineering terminology. What can I say.....

Anyway, my recommendation (other than 2nding Gregm & Gvatchna re. the Kraft 250) is the Clayton Audio S40 stereo amp or the M100 mono block. I have not personally heard it but read reports from both professionals & private citizens who have used it in their systems for ~2 yrs.

The Claytons are not a flashy amp but they seem to do everything correctly. Each of the users were very happy w/ their purchase. Several reviews available on Soundstage! in their archives & *maybe* even S'phile.