Opinions on why this system is uninvolving

I have just upgraded my system in a number of ways from Snell Type A/IIs to Revel Studios; from Audible Illusions Modulus 2 to Hovland HP-1; and from the earliest EADs to Metronome Technology DAC and transport. I find the system uninvolving much of the time. I also find it lacking in dimensionality, find it sometimes hard sounding and I notice image wander. Here's the whole system:

Revel Studios
Hovland HP-1
MFA 200C mono amps
Metronome DAC and Transport
Shunyata Hydra on amps
Power Wedge I on other components
Various high end cords incl. Top Gun, Shunyata Mamba and EMI whales
Tara Prime (or perhaps 1800) speaker cables (bi-wiring)
Audioquest Ruby interconnects between amps and pre amp (about 30-foot run)
Hovland interconnct between DAC and preamp
Siecor optical AT&T between DAC and transport

Any thoughts on how to arrest these problems would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking about trying solid state amps like the Pass 250 or 350, the McCormack DNA line, Proceed or Rowland, but I'm not really sure that will make a sginficiant difference. I know it could change the sound signficantly, but not necessrily for the better (which I realize is completely subjective anyway).
I would get rid of the Power Wedge and maybe the Shunyata Black Mamba, those 2 components in conjunction could make for a very muffled sound if that is what you are experiencing. I personally think no conditioner sounds better than the Power Wedge, they kill the dynamics and muffle the sound. I would also look at upgrading the long run of Ruby to something better.
Definitely recommend the McCormack DNA-2 for about $2200 used, and then sending it to McCormack for the Rev A upgrade at $2500. This will give you one of the very best amps out there. And I believe that the amp is the most critical piece to a system, especially for listener involvement.

Based on my experience, if your amp is doing it right (some to very many do not), so many other aspects of your system will sound 'right'.

After that, look for power conditioning and dedicated lines.
These tweaks along with the DNA-2 Rev A should give you the involvement you are seeking.

Your problems could lie in the cabling. You could try some acoustic zen stuff, it is really good and has a very "musical" sound. That could only improve on the systems uninvolving nature. You could also other cables amongst them the audience au24 or the hms gran finale, neither of which I personally have experience with, but have heard great things about. I run acoustic zen all around (hologram speaker cables and matrix ic's) and love them. Try out some new cable, you might be suprised at the difference it might make.