Kinergatics amp

Is anyone familiar with a Kinergetics amp that is 140 wpc, class A operation, and has "280" in the model name. It is not the KBA75. Thanks.
You are probably referring to the KBA-280. This unit was released in about 1993, was rated at 140 wpc @ 8 ohms and had balanced inputs. If it is like most of the other Kinergetics amps of this time frame, it is "probably" biased in a somewhat "rich" Class AB mode and uses a pretty good sized toroidal transformer in the power supply. I do not have first hand experience with that specific model, so this is about all that i can pass on about it right now. If need be, i can dig up a little more info about it, but i don't know how much. Sean
I loved my KBA-75 Platinum. Company out of biz, make sure someone is authorized to work on it. I screwed up and blew mine up. You can email me for alternatives.
I was always under the impression that they (Kinergetics) made the Eagle amp??
The Eagle amps were made by John Iverson of Electron Kinetics fame. Electron Kinetics closed when Mr Iverson somehow "disappeared" off of the face of the Earth. Nobody seems to know what happened to him. It is literally a case for the "X files". Sean

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