The KMA-100 operate in class A, meaning they're always pushing the same bias currrent throught the transistors whether at full power or idle. The continuous current flow generates steady temp heat which is ejected from those huge heat sinks on the sides. If the sinks are different temperatures with respect to adjacent ones or the other amp's, then you MIGHT have a problem with the input circuitry. I'm not sure about the Krell, but I would guess the IC is on a printed circuit board near the rear. One of your boards may have a damaged component (a capacitor or the DC coupling circuit). If this is the case, then the amp might black out sometime soon (curious to know how long you've noticed this).
First, take a meat thermometer and measure the temp of all sinks on both amps. Place the thermometer in the middle of the sink. They should be about 120F and not vary by more than 15%. Also, place your hand on the top of the amp by the power cord (where the input board should be). Both amps (if normal) will feel about the same temp, very warm. Then give Krell service a call and tell them the heat sink temps. They should be able to tell you right away what the problem is. Good luck and hope this helps.
First, take a meat thermometer and measure the temp of all sinks on both amps. Place the thermometer in the middle of the sink. They should be about 120F and not vary by more than 15%. Also, place your hand on the top of the amp by the power cord (where the input board should be). Both amps (if normal) will feel about the same temp, very warm. Then give Krell service a call and tell them the heat sink temps. They should be able to tell you right away what the problem is. Good luck and hope this helps.