Equipment Break-in: Fact or Fiction

Is it just me, or does anyone else believe that all of the manufacturers' and users' claims of break-in times is just an excuse to buy time for a new users' ears to "adjust" to the sound of the new piece. Not the sound of the piece actually changing. These claims of 300+ hours of break-in for something like a CD player or cable seem outrageous.

This also leaves grey area when demo-ing a new piece as to what it will eventually sound like. By the time the break-in period is over, your stuck with it.

I could see allowing electronics to warm up a few minutes when they have been off but I find these seemingly longer and longer required break-in claims ridiculous.
One explanation of why power cords make a diference is because all of your components are giving off RF & EMI and this gets into unshielded power cord while the shielding on better cables helps prevent this hash from entering via the AC. Could be a bunch of voodoo though. All I know is I'm not going back to stock cords any time soon after hearing the difference a good power cable can make.
Ake - read Tireguy's post above. Blackie is right, you would be surprised how much EMI an amp makes - I have tested it in the lab. The allowable level is high for home equipment.
Aball, the reason I suggested the blind test is that there are no bias during the test and the result should be nutral. Personally, I do not oppose burning in stuffs as I believe in it too. Just try to give some solutions that should be universally accepted.

here we go: we ain't talkin' here 'bout differences in cables or power cords. we're talking about burn-in or break-in which in reality more issue of mentality and adoptation rather than any physical proccess involved.
i read a commets about "residual polarization" and i do have an idea how to calculate the time of a residual polarization:
1. define a signal path lengh
2. divide a signal path lengh(meters) by speed of light(meters/second) and you get time in seconds of a "residual polarization" of a dielectric.
3. compare the result with the manufacturer suggested burn-in or break-in time he...he...
4. if you don't trust me just write a note to the vtl manufacturers to receive a tru-scientific answer from knowledgable personnel or even luke manley himself who realy deserves a respect and trust.
Since I'm now about the 350 hour mark on my Sony SACD machine I thought I'd get back with MY findings.
I have had previously felt that I had experienced components breaking in without really analysing it.
This time I took notes and more importantly in my opinion did not listen to SACD outwith about 4 sessions over the break in period.
This meant I hadn't the chance to get used to the SACD sound.
I have to say I didn't find what others have,the gradual change wasn't there,at 250 hours I could hear no real difference from my intial listening.
Nearer the 300 hour mark I felt perhaps there was a bit more weight and maybe focus but I would need to say it was marginal,if so it hasn't changed since.
I don't think this proves or disproves anything but I was surprised because obviously more knowledgeable and experienced audiophilles here and elsewhere have commented on Sony break in.
I have to say now I have doubts about break in but continue to keep an open mind.
I'll continue to monitor my unit and report back if anything changes...............