The Clear Glass KenRad VT-231's and 6SN7GT's are not even close to the Black Glass versions. It's a night and day difference. Compared to the Black Glass, the clear is 2 dimensional, thin and quite unnatural sounding. If you've been listening to the clear glass, you're in for a real treat when you try the Black.
Also noteworthy, the Black Glass VT-231 is different than the standard 6SN7GT. While I think the VT-231's are a bit better overall, the lower through upper midrange of the standard 6SN7GT's is stunningly accurate. The timbre is as perfect as I've heard from any tube. Unfortunately, it does tend to roll off the highs more and you loose a sense of air. The mids of the VT-231 is a wee-bit more shallow - (less weight and body & a bit less organic) - in the mids by comparison. But the VT-231's highs are more extended so you will not loose the sense of air. As in everything there are trade-offs.
As far as I am concerned, the Ken Rad Black Glass is easily the finest 6SN7 tube available.