Help me with preamp choice.

I am breaking up my large hometheater system. I am just about done with a new room I have added on to my home.I have not had a stand alone two channel system in years.I like all kinds of music. The only equipment I will be takeing to the new room will be my amp,cd player and my main speakers. ( krell ksa 250, sony xa777 and vmps supertower R's ) My cables are harmonic tech interconnects and acustic zen on the speakers. My new room is 27 feet wide 25 feet deep with 10 foot height. I would like to buy used around $1500. Any type of preamp would be considered as long as you thought it would mate well with my amp.
Slightly off topic, Sogood51, but if you have the time, space and resources a second system might be in order. No use upsetting the wife, if you know what I mean.
Fpeel, I'll still have yhe hometheater in the old room. Krell kav500,Sunfire theater grand,vmps 626's and vmps passive sub powered by Onkyo M504 amp. I started this hometheater project with an Onkyo receiver and kept adding on and on and on. ( she thinks I'm nuts}. I still have all that crap sitting around + more stuff. Maybe she's right?
You can find the Rogue Audio Magnum 99 for $1400 US sometimes here on Audiogon. I highly recommend it. Read the reviews, if you can find one that isn't 5/5 please email me as I have never seen one.
I have the same Krell Amp .

I have used the Melos SHA Gold Preamp (Upgraded to the reference) and that worked very well with my Meridian 508.24 CD Player and the Krell KSA-250 Amp.
Alas, the Melos stopped working and I am going to see how much it takes to fix from Melos Restorations.
In the Mean time I saw a deal on a used Plinius Preamp CD Lad MK11 that I went ahead and purchased . As soon as I recieve it I will comment on this Amp/ Preamp combo.