high-end vs. ultra high-end amplifiers

It is quite frustrating to know that some amplifiers (Boulder, FM Acoustics, Accuphase) are sounding better than even very expensive ones from the big boys (Mark Levinson, Krell, Bryston, Spectral). I wonder why there is such a difference. Madrigal, Krell, Bryston, Spectral, they all belong to the high-end sector of audio industry and they are claiming they are making the best amplifiers. But I know that this is not true: I've heard amplifiers from Boulder and FM Acoustics and they sound just better than the Madrigals, Krells and so on. Is it because Boulder and FM Acoustics have more know how about amplifier design (I suppose not) or do they use more expensive parts and better circuit topologies? Do they have brighter technicians and designers? There must be an explanation for this phenomenon. It isn't magic! Maybe someone from the audio industry can reply to this thread.
Gregm, reading over my message, it certainly comes across harsher than my intentions! I should of stated that you may (or may not) be right. Please don't take it to personal.
I'm with Twl, just check out the Berning zh270 for a real world example of how good it can get for less.
Brian, thanks for your kind message. In fact, I just didn't want to sound adamant & use the word "obviously". Cheers!
Dazzdax, do you really believe that music reproduction with the chaotic variables concerned is directly related to the price of the high end products? I have come to the conclusion that these are loosely related at best. Are you also convinced that the higher end manufacturers you mentioned, justify the price their products because they know that theirs play better than the others? Thanks
For the most part, I believe you get what you pay for. However, I certainly will concede that most likely you will pay more for a brand name than a no-name of near or same quality.

Name implies quality, support and resale value more so than no-names (most of the time.)

I think it's important to consider resale when you buy. Should you not like your purchase or want to move up into a higher line, you will re-sell a brand name quicker than a no-name.

Also, the newer into high-end one is the more reliance should be given to brand name. Unless you are omniscient audiophile, I believe you should stick to brand names.

Only my opinion.....