Tube Pre-Amp Upgrade Advice for Young Audiophile

Take a look at my system...under 'my system'. My modded AE-3 is AWESOME ...I love it! But I have the upgrade itch and at this point I feel is the weakest link in my system. What I am looking for is a little more transparency amoung other things. I DO NOT want to spend and arm and a leg on a new pre. Maybe $800 used. Due to my budget ..i have to buy used and prob cannot audition... hence I am VERY concerned with component synergy with My Super Amp DJH.

Many people reccomend older Audio Research Models but I have no Idea which ones are good. I am also seriously considering the Rogue Magnum 66...also Blue Circle (but i think the BC is out of my budget.
Over all I want to make sure I am actually making an
upgrade over my AE3! All of you advice in the past has been A1!! So HELLLPP! :)
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I upgraded my CJ pv10a to a Rogue 66 Magnum and was/am very happy.
IMHO, the CJ was a bit to warm for my liking but like anything else, beauty is in the ear of the listner.
PLEASE try to find a way to audition whatever you choose in your system before obligating to a final purchase.
I can name a couple of times were I purchased audio equipment based on all the glowing reviews and ended up selling the equipment a couple of months later.
I may rave about the 66 for example but when you put it in your rig, it may not be your cup of tea.
Hi SQUIDDY. Nice system.
I have the VTL 2.5 with internal MC/MM phono section. It sounds wonderful overall and the phono section is probably the best in this price point,IMHO. If you play alot of vinyl, you won't be dissapointed.
Just my $.02

I can't comment on Rogue, never auditioned one.
Sqiddy I too have a AE-3 that has the oil cap upgrade. I just purchased a pair of Infini caps to replace the Kimbers that are stock. I will try to get the Infini's in this weekend. Although I can't speak on the Rouge,CJ,and Blue Circle gear I really like the AE-3. It replaced a LS-7 if that's any food for thought. Anyway let me know what mods you had done on the AE-3 and best of luck on your search. (BTW try the sylvania wgt's if you have not done so-the best-imho)
The DJH signature version is a big step up in transparency and dynamics, even from a modded AE-3 which I sold. Agree wtih the Sylvania suggestion as well. I bought mine used for around 800-850 on Audiogon.