Inverted Polarity Correction Question


I have a Rogue 66 preamp and understand it inverts polarity. I also recently opened up my MSB Nelson Link Dac and saw a jumper that can inverts phase, so I was wondering if I should use this feature to correct the phase? Any experience here? Thanks much in advance.
That will work if it's your only source, but really all you have to do is run your speaker cable from the positive terminal on the amp to the negative terminal on the speaker, and negative to positive.

I can reverse phase on my cdp, but I used to keep it positive for reference and switch the cables instead when I had a preamp like yours (AIM3a). Some cds sound better to me reversed (in a completely unscientific eyes wide open no controls subjective assessment).
Keep it simple Socrates. . .just reverse right and left interconnects from preamp to amp and you should be good to go!