Class A solid state power amp

Mt system is: Linn LP12/Origin Live RB250 SilverAnniversary/dynavectorD17 catridge
Copland CD266
EC Audio Finesta Pre
Upgraded Quad 606 Power
Living Voice Auditorium Speakers
Nordost Red Dawn interconnect
I've got sensitive speakers,built for low output Valve Amps,but am not too keen on going the valve route.I often have short listening sessions(fitting in around the kids TV
watching),so I do'nt want to be turning the amps on and off every few minutes.How about a good Class A solid state power amp?I would like the valve warmth and rich mid range without the fuss.Too much to ask?
I thought of the Monarchy Audio 70 Pro's,Sugden Masterclass or of course the grandaddy Krell's.
What is your experience? I do'nt mind going for 2nd hand, older models,in fact most of my system is 2nd hand.
Your advise would be very welcome.
David Wise
David 12, look and see which amp has more used listings. This will speak for itself.
These are the ModWright modified Hybrids for Response Audio. There is a 30 wpc and 50 wpc currenty available and both are Class A and reasonably priced.
Why no mention of Rowland? The most innovative, best built, least redundant line in the world is perpetually ignored by Audiogon subscribers. Is it because you don't like the sound or because the prices are not competitive on the watt/dollar scale?
I think there is no better value out there than a used Concentra.