What amps do you use with your Revel Salons/Studio

I'm using an EAD PowerMaster 2000, and was toying with the idea of going to a 2-channel, or getting a pair of monos. Not sure of tube/SS...what are y'all using?
Don't overlook ML 333 ect. on the web. These are an excellent match. Pass is excellent as well but with different characteristics. Try to demo or run a search on audiogon for both and check out other comments on these pieces.
I just swtiched from powerful tube amps to a Proceed HPA-2 and the differences were remarkable. This amp has real synergy with the Studios.
Anyone pairing Studio's/Salon's with Bel Canto EV0's?
Or even hear the combo? If so please elaborate.
Hello, here's a vote for keeping the Powermaster. I have a PM 2000 as well, and fwiw, I think you will be hard pressed to do better for equivalent money, and even for quite a bit more. I ran a pair of studios with the EAD to tremendous results, and frankly, having also run them with a Levinson 333 I was unimpressed. Bi-amp with the PM and all's well. Great amp with great gain. As far as the Pass suggestions go, I sold my studios before I could demo with the 350. A great amp, but for the $ I still like the EAD. Just my 2--
Good luck.
I use a Krell 200C and am most pleased. Perhaps another amp might prove superior, but I and my friends find its sound remarkable.