Best Dark Sounding Amp For Bright Speakers?

What is the best amp to drive Infinity Kappa 8.1"s. I have a VTL TL- 2.5 preamp driving a SS amp but the sound is still bright. Thanks for any input.
If you're inclined to spend lots of money I'm sure Nordost could make some audiophile socks. I used to think socks are just socks, but then I discovered cryogenically treated pure silver socks, and after a month of burn in the sound ...... etc etc.
Bob-B, of course you don't wear them b/wards. Socks are more directional than cables even -- you know that :)
Oh dear, another audiogon thread meanders hopelessly off topic ....

Here's another suggestion for an over-bright system.
1) Buy a CD walkman and some high-sensitivity headphones.
2) Listen to Metallica VERY LOUD for several months, for at least several hours every day. This will make your ears "break in".
3) Once your ears are "broken in" no system will ever sound harsh or sibilant ever again.