Which Integrated?

I'm looking for a good quality, 'higher end', integrated amp. I am sick of using cheaper components (READ:nakamichi receiver) that make everything sound soooooo glaringly digital and fatiguing. High end separates are too expensive for me, but I would like to get into that type of higher end sound.

I will be spending about $1200 USD (give or take). So far, I have read about the Unison Research Unico (nice) and the Moon i-3.

I currently run nht 2.5i speakers (which i will be selling in order to downsize - I find they are too big for my room)

Any suggestions? Any comments from users of the aforementioned equipment?


Holy Crap!!

I just checked out the Creek 5350se and HO-LY!!

That unit floored me. Seriously.

I also listened to the Naim Nait 5 and that was even better, but i don't think it has enough power for my mains (which i might just keep)

I'll get back to you with more of my audition reports asap.

sorry bout the short posting, but my gf is trying to sleep and 'I'm keeping her awake with my typing'

:) Stephen
Another vote for the Sim i-3. Greatly underrated company with superb products. (The problem is that they have a limited chain of distribution, so auditions are not easy to conduct unless you're willing to do some driving.) Beautifully built stuff and a 10 year warranty on new purchase. Give it some thought.
Why not the Portalaudio integrated? 60 day home trial. Good reviews to date. Joe Abrams is a long-time and highly respected industry player and I can only guess who designed the unit. Check out www.portalaudio.com and give Joe a call. If you do not want to go that route, I cast my vote for the Aronov.
I have not heard the Unico, but being a hybrid design I am very interested in it. Such a design should give you a, smoother, more relaxed sound than an all SS setup. I owned the Simaudio Moon I-5 and Electrocompaniet ECI-3 and feel neither could match the lush, open presentation of the Blue Circle BC21 tube preamp/BC22 solid state amp combo I'm using now.

Interesting that you didn't like the Blue Circle CS, but I don't know to what degree it's sound varies from the BC21/22 separates if at all. You seem to like the Unison, but I think the integrated you ultimately choose should be considered along with the speakers and cables you intend to match them with.

Oh, and my whole system was purchased through contacts I made on Audiogon. I always try to buy used. In the past when I've liked something I auditioned at a store, I bought it from them. But these days I do so much research and know many of the tendencies of the frequent posters here on the 'Gon, I feel confident in buying used gear without a listen.