Need Advice: Which Headphone Amp?

Okay, so I recently purchased a pair of Sennheiser HD 600 headphones and now need a headphone amp. Can you give me recommendations? I have thought of the Antique Sound Labs, David Berning, Rega and Headroom. Are any of these are others good matches for the Sennheiser's. Thanks alot
Headroom - SS sound; crossfeed option
ASL - good value tube sound
David Berning - headphone heaven

All three of these work well with Sennheisers - it depends on your taste and budget. I have all three but the microZOTL is by far my favorite, then the ASL, and finally the Headroom Supreme with Base Station (which I use with closed Audio Technica headphones in a project studio for monitoring).
I've been doing a little research too, and the Cordas HA-1 amp by Meier audio seems to be highly recommended on the headphone pages: and It comes with variable crossfeed and is solid state. Good luck.
There is no single answer. Go to and become immersed in the puzzle from which you may never return. (Also consider accessory cables by Cardas or Equinox).