What cables are you running with your ARC gear

looking for insight from the community here. what cables are your running with your ARC gear. I have almost pieced together a system after being away from audio for several years (the kids college tuition took a toll on my previous system). my new system consists of an ARC LS25, ARC VT130SE, ARC CD3, ARC PH3SE and Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers. comments and recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Kubala-Sosna cables work well with Audio Research. I have tried them in the past, I don't remember which one.

I use the gray balanced Audio Research cables between my CD7, LS25 mk2 and Ref 110. Unfortunately they have not been made for years and are hard to find now. I have not found anything though that I thought was significantly better.
The sp16 does not have balanced inputs or outputs. A lot of ARC gear does. If mine did, I would lean towards using that.
I've had a variety of ARC equipment over the years and have had good luck with Empirical Design cables. The interconnects are particularly good--very neutral, flexible and harmonically correct. Best of luck!
I had an ARC system very similar to yours for quite awhile and used Audio Magic cables with satisfaction. During that period of time I auditioned cables from two other companies which did not match-up to what I had, so I came to the conclusion that Audio Magic must be a pretty solid product line to fend off the pricy cables they were up against.