Looking for Silent Fan Cooling f my ARC Tube AMP

I have my ARC tube amp in a corner. I like to stick a fan behind it . The one from radio shack worked great but made a little noise. Any suggestions . Thanks to all !
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Get a cheap very quiet mini desktop fan 4" dia. at target for $8.00 will do you just fine!! it's very very quiet
Whether the air is 'forced' across the tubes or 'drawn' across the tubes makes no differnce since it is the temperature of the air that makes the difference and it is the same in both cases.
At any rate, if you can't hearthe fan then the amount of air flowing isn't high enough to be any 'danger' to the tubes, forced or induced.
Salut, Bob P.
Vornado Zippi totally silent. I was using it when I was keeping a tube amp in a rack with somewhat limited shelf space. I had the fan blowing upwards over the top of the amp so the heat would blow out the side of the rack and not heat the upper shelf too much. Worked perfectly.
I find pro cool fans are very quiet.
Some assemblies have a thermostat so she'll kick in at a certain temp and off as well at a certain temp.
I use two and I can't hear either of them.
Also there is a temp display.
Try End PC Noise for a wide selection of quiet fans. I have one I got from them mounted to the back panel of my HT system cabinet running 24/7 and it is inaudible. I power the fan with a 12V wall wart. Two cable boxes in the cabinet alone generate a substantial amount of heat around the clock, and with closed cabinet doors, I need to get rid of the heat buildup.

