Are you saying you're going straight line level to your amp? Does your cd player have a digital volume control for varying the gain output? Or does your amp have volume control capability?
Either way, I'VE NEVER heard ANY DIGITAL VOLULME CONTROL, or passive set up, which has proper dynamic capabilities! The sound is always less dynamic, and seems flatter over all! If you're listening to Rock, heavy dynamics, Home Theater, or other, the sound is always not as strong!
Anyone who thinks this isn't correct, needs to just hook the 6 channel out of their DVD player dirrectly into their 6 channel amp(or whatever) and process the sound in their DVD player, with no preamp/processor involved!!! You'll get WIMPY, LACKLUSTER, DYNAMICLESS soundquality everytime!..NEVER SOUNDS AS GOOD!
I've come across a ton of audiophiles that are two channel buffs, who insist on just going ANALOG out of their dvd, and into their fav 2 channel preamp! Or guy's who go out of their CD player with volume control, dirrect into their amps! This has it's drawbacks in the form of weak dyanamics and bass comparatively. You couple that with the fact that the vast majority of guy's like this use speakers that are very polite, laid back, and dynamically challenged passive auiphile speakers, and you get anything but dynamic transparancy!...EGAD!
So, if you do have some sort of volume control from either your cd player or your amp, you're still not getting the dynamic capabilities you're intitled to, I find.
Good luck