Which preamp- Pass Labs X1 vs Cary SLP2002

I'm moving 2 channel music away from my HT pre/proc, and I think I've narrowed down my preamp choices to the above, but I am unable to demo, as I am in a rural area.
Associated equipment-
Pass Labs X350 amplifier
Arcam FMJ23 CDP
Proac Response 2.5 spkrs.

I like my Pass amplification, and think there may be something to 'synergy' design from a single manufacturer (and the avail deals on the old style X1's are tempting), but I've also heard thet Proacs 'love tubes'....

Any help in decision making would be appreciated.
I use a Pass Aleph P and an Accuphase amp to drive my Proac 3.8s. I like the P's variable gain adjustment. It also has more resolution and is quieter than the Air Tight and Rogue tube preamps I have used previously. Although I have heard that Proacs like tubes, I am considering a full class A amp over tubes for my next upgrade. You might also consider whether to go with balanced interconnects, the Pass is a fully balanced design.
I would recommend either the Cary or Conrad Johnson which is not on your short list but should be.

I use the Pass Labs X1 preamplifier. It is very, very quiet, has terrific resolution and sweetness.
Dear Jill,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the Cary and the Pass X350 are not a good match. The output impedance of the Cary is 440 ohm (single-ended); the single-ended input impedance of the Pass is 10 K ohm. In order to be a good match, the output impedance of the pre would hv to be 100 ohms or less -- even 200 ohms would not be too bad, but at 440 ohms into 10 k ohms, you'll get some loss of dynamics and some truncation of frequencies at the extremes.
