Anybody have some experience with Bedini amps?

I need a power amp for my Shahinian Obelisk speakers, and Shahinian recommends Bedini.I like natural,liquid,relaxed,but dynamic,musical sound with "be there",live feeling,bass must be exellent ,full and detailed, and i allways prefere analog to digital.I like all kind of music.I am thinking about Classic 100 , or older models.
I think that the Audio Exchange in NY used to have a pretty good collection of used Bedini's at one point in time. They were pretty inexpensive for the amount of power involved. Never heard one myself but know others that have said the 25/25 was the best of the bunch. The bigger ones were said to be good, but not "magical". Sean
Bedinis and Shahinians are a magical combination. I have read that the Bedinis have a high damping factor lending to great bass. It makes intuitive sense that an amplifier with good bass control would be important to a speaker design employing passive radiators. Why not pick up a used Bedini 803 pure class A 250 watts/ side. They run around $900 used. Then you will have enough power if you decide to upgrade to Diapasons.
I have collected Bedini amps for years and presently have two of the 100/100 1 meg amps, one 25/25 one Meg, a 50/50 DE amp/ a 10/10 a 25/25 a modified 100/100 in a one meg chassis origianlly made by New American Sound C.Fischer and reworked by John recently. Also have John's 801 amp and 800 preamp. Good stuff. Check out his
I have a Bedini 25/25 that is a great combination with my quad 57's... terrififc lttle amp!
My friend drives Totem Ones with an old Bedini 25/25 he got at a pawn shop for $250. I have heard these speakers sound lousy with other low powered SS amps, but the 25/25 sounds great!