PS: Typical McGowan Sound? -- HCA-2 & Classic 250

The commentary I have read on the HCA-2 has been mixed, but the criticisms I read remind me of the typical criticisms that have been expressed on all of Paul McGowan's designs in the past: An upfront, technicolor upper midrange & lower treble, some harmonic thinness, & a tight, but lean bass.

I'd sooner believe the review on Audiogon than I would KR's review in Stereophile, whose questionable hearing I don't trust.

In looking at the responses to the Audiogon review, it is interesting to see that half the responders love it; the other half hate it. By seeing all of them for sale on 'Gon now, you wonder what the real scoop is.

I'm kind of interested in the CLASSIC 250, which is a non-digital design that has alot of hoopla about it on the PS website. Has anyone heard or bought this amp, or compared it to the HCA-2?
A psychologist could make a career and a fortune out of studying audiophiles behaviour! It is sad that egos and simply people's need for approval are the motivation for the majority of online reviews (and maybe profesional reviews [ST !!!]), as any person can appreciate when reading write-ups! I feel that one has no credibility as a critic if they cannot evaluate the flaws of the equiptment along with the virtues, and also have an extensive resume of previous components used. For many reviews there is nothing but glowing remarks of equiptment they own, especially so from folks who recently moved from low-fi receiver land to seperates, or cheaper anything on up to mid priced gear, as is often the case with highly reviewed budget components, and then folks really feel they own the best they can afford, regardless of their limited experience, where you typically see phrases like:

"Best for under X grand"
"Beats products costing X times as much".

and so on with no basis in reality! Funny as heck to read but sad that many people can't see through the BS.
And since we are talking about the HCA-2, anyone else really disturbed by the claims stating that a $500-$2000 power cord is absolutely required to make this amp sound good!
How right. Does Sam Tellig review anything that isn't great? You can't trust the reviewers. I don't mean to disparage this amp -- I'm sure it has its good qualities, but I, for one, cannot overlook the very strong negative comments, or the glaringly bad lab results.

I'll have to look it up, but I believe the Bel Canto evo amp, which is Class D as well, did not measure so badly as the PS did. Even Stereophile's reviewer did say it was fuller, warmer, less upfront sounding, and actually he said, in its 2nd generation, it was on the same playing field as the HCA-2. So, why isn't everyone raving about it?
To re-iterate one of my previous comments from another thread, the more a power cord helps a component out, the poorer the design of the power supply and filtration within the component itself.

As to the comments about "try it out at no risk for 30 days", i've got better things to do than rush out to buy / try EVERY product that Stereophile ( or any other mag for that matter ) raves about. Even the reviewer, who was basically responsible for placing the amp in Class A ranking, said that it was noticeably lean and forward sounding. Besides that, JA was pretty plain in stating what he found i.e. nothing impressive what-so-ever.

Combining the information provided by the two people responsible for this review, you end up with an amp that has an "anemic" warmth region with forward mids and a less than competent design ( as verified by the poor measurements in almost EVERY aspect ). This gives me all the info that i need to know. This amp does not sound good nor does it measure good. In effect, i would be wasting my time if i were to go out of my way to purchase this amp, install it into my system and listen to it for ANY amount of time. Call me biased, call me stupid, call me whatever, i really don't care.

As to whether i am any of the above, I must not be alone in my thoughts. I've seen more than a few of these units for sale. Evidently, the sonics must be just good enough to get past the 30 day free trial or the owners wouldn't be selling them so quickly after they bought them. If a product is truly as good as the hype, even the "flavour of the month club" members will hang onto it for more than a few issues of their favorite rag. These amps haven't been out for all that long and they are already populating the market in good quantity.

The funny thing is that, even though all of these comments were put into plain sight in the review, the amp was still placed in Class A. Evidently, reviewers & magazines don't mind telling you the truth up-front. That is, so long as they can lie to you at the end of the article or review to keep the manufacturer / advertiser happy. Sean
A little qualifying is necessary regarding the number of units available for sale. On last check under the Audiogon classifieds- nine HCA-2s were listed with 8 being available (one sold). Five of those units listed were offered by dealers- the other three were through private hands. In two of the private cases, folks had to sell because they had the opportunity to purchase other units. All of this does not qualify for a failed amplifier design. The number of people who are satisfied with this amp is far greater than those who are not.

As far as Sean's comments about the power cord- most audio reviewers review their amps using any assortment of after market power cords. I am sure you do not use the stock cords that came with your equipment. Cables do make a difference. In the HCA-2's case, the power cord makes even more of a difference- however I have tested it using the standard power cord and have noted that the basic qualities of the amp (smoothness, grain-free sonics, extended treble, and tight bass) are still apparent. Now I am not one who is going to go about raving about any one equipment- but for the price- the HCA-2 is very hard to beat. Perhaps it may not be Stereophile "Class A"- but what does it matter? It is still a very fine amp and one that I along with many others can happily live with.

I can understand how you may question the poor test results in the measurements but like everything else- the choice is all yours. In general, PS Audio has a very solid reputation over the years- with excellent customer service and satisfaction. They are one of the few companies out there who actually listens to their clientele. In fact, there was much public input into the design of the HCA-2 amp as well as the forthcoming PCA-2 pre-amp. Their beta units are designed to bring in public feedback, and this kind of honesty has resulted in a higher level of quality control and assurance. If you have read other comments regarding the brightness of the amps and other supposed flaws, then it is obvious that you have not had the opportunity to personally hear it with your own ears. A good healthy debate is always welcome- JA's questioning of the rating is admirable but it takes nothing away from the fine performance of this amp.

I feel I am qualified to say this because I have burnt over 600 hours on this amp driving both ML Aerius's and Maggies 1.6 (two very hard speakers to drive) with astonishing results. I have played every type of music from 1812 to Bruckner, to Led Zeppelin at high volume and not once have this amp displayed any midbass weakness or glare. The sound was open, powerful and musical. I remembered playing this amp for six straight hours- feeding it nothing but bombastic orchestral music and never did it run out of steam, nor did I experience any listening fatigue. The amp upon touching it was barely warm- not even lukewarm! Can JA measure this? Can this be seen as a flaw? What irritates me the most is when people rely too much other opinions without making their assessments. Measurements in high-end audio is just that- measurements: numbers that are available and printed nicely on glossy brochures. Who is to say that a 24 bit DAC is better? Many older 20 bit DACs sounds more impressive. Who is to say SACD is the best new format? There are thousands of questions and comments in the world of audio. There are thousands more opinions. The beautiful thing about this hobby of ours is that we get to experiment with our own preferences. So just relax and enjoy the show. Remember- to read any review with a grain of salt. Your own (not others) ears should be the decisive judge- not JA, not Stereophile, not PS Audio, not Audio Review, not your friends, not me or other Audiogon inmates. If you find this amp is not for you then move on to something else.

In the end it is enjoying the music that matters most and for MY listening preferences, the HCA-2 amp makes music that much enjoyable.

Happy Listening
