Audio Research service

I have heard that ARC's service is not the greatest, is there truth to this? Give your experience.
I've bought 27 years old SP5 preamp just recently - faxed a querry to ARC and have full answer too all of my questions(including full part list and schematics) within 4 days and I live in Poland, Europe - does that count for a great service - answer yourself. They are great.
One experience about three years ago. They were absolutely superb! I compare my ARC service experience with service I received from another very expensive American manufacturer about six months ago. The work was first class. Communication was ok although I feel I was being told whatever I wanted to hear. Turnaround was horrid. My ARC experience was better by a large margin.
It does not get any better! From Ruth, who answers the phones, (Yes! a real live person) to Vicki who will help you with product info and history, to the great guys in service, Chris, Don and Leonard. They will spend the time with you to answer all your questions and concerns.Other High End manufactures should take note...This IS the way a company should be run. AAA
From the time that ARC takes a call (Ruth) to the management (Leonard) and finally to the technician (Don). These folks are very courteous and helpful. The unit was sent in, checked, repaired and send back within one day! All industries, not necessarily high-end audio, should take note and learn from ARC
Audio Research did warranty work on my LS-1 when it was five years old, it can't get any better than that.