For the record, either of these two units are going to have likely similar potential as analog preamps. They're still going to be ultimately surpassed by better dedicated 2 channel preamps in terms of sonic purity, musicality, soundstaging, etc.
The features you mentioned regarding "stereo subs" and such might be something you want to keep for you music and HT needs, depending. IF that's the case, it would make that set up convenient going with the EAD I suppose..assuming the Aragon doesn't have this feature.
For me, the only 2 channel attraction between the two units would be the stereo subwoofer set up scenario offered by the EAD...and of course, you'd get excellent DD/DTS capablity and 6ch in(or "dirrect digital in" capability if you use that route for other sources, and out of your DVD player). But you'd STILL BE GETTING BETTER 2 CHANNEL PURITY with an outboard 2ch quality preamp! Even using a lesser ambitious pre/pro for your movies or 6ch dubties, you could still buy a used high end preamp for 2 ch, and get better all around potential results ultimately. But, everyone's needs and desires are different.
If you used both 2 ch and multi ch from only one pre/pro, then I like your choices you're concidering, indeed.
If you wanted to maximize both multi channel and 2 channel, you'd get the best of both worlds using something less expensive, yet excellent sonically, like Classe SSP30, and use the extra money for a dedicated 2 channel high end preamp for 2ch dubties!..It's a thought. (you'd then simply
use an auxillary or "processor through" on your preamp when you wanted to use your Pre/pro for movies..simple.
I doubt you'll lose with either of those potentially fine sounding pre/pro's if that's what you decide. My gut say's you might be happier with the EAD ifyou went that route however...
Good luck