Need an integrated for sensitive speakers - Help

I've just bought JMLab Chorus 706s.
I've been told that these are very sensitive speakers by the dealer. I need an amp to pair up with it.

BTW: Max power handling spec. is 75 watts.

I've been looking at:

Audio Refinement Complete
Musical Fidelity A3 or A300
Anthem Int-2

Any suggestions would help.
I have heard neither, but the Manley Stingray and Audiomat Arpege are both highly regarded.
Check on SfC-1, tube amp listed here for $800. If you like classical music, traditional jazz and blues SFC-1 would be my amp of choice. Good Luck!
I own the Audio Refinement currently. It's a nice piece. Very solid little amplifier. Fairly strong in the bass region. I actually just upgraded to a Pathos Classic One and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I would advise against the Anthem INT 2, I had this one also and did not care for it much. Sonically it was okay, but the volume pot was the worst I've ever seen, the remote was the same way. If neither of these two items bother you and you can find one for under 600, they're not bad. I can't speak on the musical fidelity pieces, but know they get a lot of praise from the reviewers.
bryston b60. clear midrange, great bass, 20 year warranty...60watts per set match....many being sold on audiogon...i have one myself. comes with remote. great reviews, former stereophile class b.loved it and hate to part with it.