Power Cord; upgrade vs tweak

I have a no-name tube amplifier in my bedroom for music listening(it is black, has 4 tubes, rated at 30 watts and actually has no name on it that I can find). I bought this amp at a garage sale and all the info I get from it is written on the case. A friend of mine guesses that amp brand new was probably about 400 dollars, if that much.

It has an unremovable, molded power cord. I have never tried power cords before and I thought it would be a good test to see exactly what a after-market power cord can do.

My question is; would it be better to upgrade to a better amp with a removable power cord or tweak the amp I have and get a removeable power IEC setup?

When can someone tell when to choose an upgrade over a tweak? Is it just money?
Get one of those dremmel tools, cut a hole for the IEC and get a good power cord. It'll be a a nice improvement over the stock cord. If you have the cash I would but a new amp.
Matchstickman, I would love to know what that amp is. Do you think it's modern or something from the 50's or 60's?

I agree with Buckingham about fitting the male IEC into the chassis. This allows you to experiment with off the shelf and aftermarket cords and not be required to give up your investment should you decide to sell the amp.
You may also use a DIY Cord recipe and hard wire it to the amplifier. It should be better than the stock one while you will not expend much at it.

Happy Christmas.