Red Rose Anyone?

Has anyone tried out any of the ultra-premium priced Red Rose line of audio equipment marketed by Mr. Mark Levinson? Are they any different from other high-end brands like Mark Levinson? I guess his non-compete period with Harmon International is over and that is why he is starting a new gig. I am intrigued by its Red Rose Model 5 integrated amplifier, especially with its $8,000 list price tag. Any insight into the Red Rose products would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Had you ever listened to Cello products, say 3-4 years ago? The bigger Red Rose electronics sound like Cello with tubes to me (i.e., on the warm side of neutral). I only experienced a pre/power combo once though, a S. Yorke TT. Very musical result, so I don't remember much more (i.e. critical reproduction aspects). We listened through Avanti III and Genesis V, and I had the impression we could have moved to more difficult speakers, easily... I DO remember a tough price tag!
My understanding about Red Rose is they do not manafacture or design the electronic products they sell rather they have taken the approach of buying products of small companies and putting there label on them. The Red Rose Petal MC Cartridge for example is a Miyabi Cartridge but at 3k is priced below the regular Miyabi. There electronics have to go thru the red rose markup so they can be a bit expensive but most all other high dollar products go thru a similar retail markup in price thru the more tradational dealer structure. Every product must be judged on its own merits.
Avguy, Red Rose isn't a new company; I am not sure when he started it, but I have known of it for, I would say, a couple years now.
Heard his ribbon monitors (the R3?) at the Stereophile show in NYC the year before last, driven by a Red Rose amp and preamp (and, if memory serves, either an Electrocompaniet or Audio Aero CDP). Sounded pretty darn wonderful. In fact, stood out as some of the best sound at the show, to my ears (which folks have and may again take issue with. But, hey, they're mine--they ears, I mean.) He's got a little boutique-style shop up on the upper east side in NYC, right next to the Whitney museum, which I've peered in the window of on a number of occasions (on the way to said museum) but have never been in.
I remember reading somewhere, I believe the Asylum, it could of been here, his equipment was identical to some Korean, I think, equipment that can be purchased, um, cheaper. DO NOT TAKE THIS AS FACT! I am just stating what I recall reading.