HELP: I need a solid state amp with a tube sound

I am very much into tube amplifiers, but it seems that they need alot more maintenance than SS amps do. Is there an amp out there that will get a good tube sound, but with low maintenance of an SS amp? I am working on my budget and I will probably spend about 2500 for it. I already have a tube pre-amp that I like, a Zen ZTPRE, and does a good job for my needs.
Swampwalker, I read that last comment on Xmas eve while taking a respite between making batches of hand made chocolate chip cookies for friends. Wish I knew where to send yours because that one comment says a mouthful! Thanks for putting it so well and so succinctly.

Merry Xmas to everyone. Thanks for all the education and help in making my trip down audio lane such a pleasant stroll these last few years.
There are a lot of solid state amps on the market in this category. I would look at Classe or Lamm. Pass Labs amps have more of a solid state sound.
Twl's four little words should have ended this thread. Not knocking SS, but I have never heard a SS amp sound like a tube amp. Don't give up on tubes yet. There are some very reliable tube amps that need nothing more than re-tubing every couple years. If you have been using tube amps you may find SS to be SS. Hope you find what you are looking for. "Only tubes are tubes". Wish I said that.