Best 6sn7

I have Bat 150se mono blocks and looking
for 12 NOS tubes that I don't have to take
a loan out to buy. Help!
Saxman2- In general I would agree with Tireguy, in that you will have to try different tubes to find the ones that you like in the context of your system and personal preference. However, don't dismiss Sylvania 6SN7s. The problem here is that there are many different versions, some being vastly superior to others. Do a little research and you'll discover that the finest of the 6SN7 types, (my preference being the Sylvania metal base 6SN7W), are worth the effort. Check out VTV and other web sources, and then give some a try. It can be a little spendy, but very rewarding. Enjoy!
The old VT-231 types (any brand) would be my first choice. The Ken-Rad have the best bass. You will find VT-231 made by RCA, Tung-Sol, Ken-Rad, Raytheon, National Union, and Sylvania.
I use the Sylvania VT-231's in my BAT 150 SE's. I absolutely love them and they were a significant improvement over the stock Sovteks. I even collected a back up set.

Part of the reason I chose the Sylvania was based on the fact that they seem to be a bit more resadily available to purchase in groups of 4 or more which makes it much easier to collect a set of 12 than some of the other vintage tubes. I bought my sets a couple of years ago and, as far as I recollect, paid about $35-$40 a piece for them.

As far as the price now? - good luck!!
Agreed the front most tubes will make the most difference in those amps. Generally in any tube circuit the one(s) with the most gain will have the biggest effect.

VT-231 is simply the military designation for 6SN7GT - no real special meaning other than that. some think the vt-231 types sound different, most notably this may be the case with Sylvania but I have heard of it on other types too. Generally the vt-231 designation is more in demand from buyers so if you have to have that designation you will pay more, but likely get the same tube as the consumer version.

All the ones mentioned are good chioces. personally I prefer the earliest GT types, rather than GTA, GTB, etc. some WGT and WGTA are also quite nice.

Let me know if you need some, I have a collection of a few hundred and can part with a few, I think I still have an ad up listing some sample prices/types. (have many more than just those in the ad which are mostly all sold now anyway)
