Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Hi Jebsmith73, I have my own blue book for audio, most cables re-sale value drops by atleast 40% from retail on the used market, I know of a brand of cables right now that drops 60% to 70% from retail that is NOT Tara Labs cables, no, I do not believe Tara labs has the best resale value at all, defiantly not the worst either, about in the middle accordinally to my saved archive of cables I have created, I have kept up with alot of the high-end resale market over the years to give me a bassis for an offer when I would like to buy anything, cheers.
To Jebsmith73, or anyone who would know.. What audio cable company has a very good resale value or the best resale value, and why? Just curious.. I honestly have no time to research.. would rather listen to music in the sweet spot :)
Tboooe, have you ordeed the furutch GTX-D outlets to accomadate your tara labs sound?
@ Gslone, I would like to know the answer to that question myself, I do not believe there is a best resale value of cables, I do know that there is some that re-sale for less than others, most of your top name brands and models sale around the same here on audiogon, I would like to know what componet has the best re-sale value, I believe these subjects would be subjective, and controversal, cheers
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