What Tube Amp Looks Coolest?

What tube amps have the MOST tubes VISIBLE, lit up really cool-looking, so my room will look cool like a 1950's Frankenstein Movie?

Maybe some useless but cool-looking mirrors behind the tubes to multiply the Effect. (We could tell people it works by thought waves or some gullible-magnet idea like Mpingo discs utilize).
I would really like a mod which utilizes a small Jacob's Ladder or two. Why edit yourself? Have some fun!
I don't want to spend TOO much money either. However, more tubes, more glow, more sparks all are worth big jing to me, so have at it!
I believe tubes can sound great, because my Dad's old Bogen receiver from 1954 sounded good, except for the hum ;)
Thanks, Signed:
I like Sound Systems and Cool, Futuristic Looking Stuff.
For a classic look, the VAC 30/30 and 70/70 are a sight to see..as well as most Conrad Johnson tube amps.
The Electron Luv's are definitely the COOLest. Like Buck Rogers. Damn I want one!
Here's another pic:


VV45 driving 845 output tube. 83 fullwave rectifier (merc. vapor) rectifying the Vv45, pair of 866s (816's in this picture) rectifying the 845. I have since switched to globe Taylor 866's and a WE 301-A for the 83. the power indicators are also tubes - 6AF6G (tuning eye). Meters are vintage WE/Weston.

Here's more about Josh and some previews of upcoming stuff from him: http://www.6moons.com/industryfeatures/josh/josh.html
