Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??

Just wondering who might be the absolute youngest Audiogoner to use this site and is a regular member?

If you are young, and think you may indeed be the youngest member, step forward and tell us your age and system. I think it might be cool to see how they differ from older members systems...
This is for fun, now be honest, we may ask you to prove it!

This is my first posting ever in the 3+ years being a member. I have enjoyed reading what other audiogoners wrote, and am every impressed with Tireguy's maturity. He is probably the youngest guy ever joined Audiogon. We all should give him a round of applause. By the way, Tireguy, where do you get all the money for the hi-end gears? I was broke when I was your age, paying for college myself and lived on Oodle noodles and cans of tuna fish. :)

Merry Christmas everyone.
Nguyennnd- Thank you very much for your very kind words. The story that is my life is very complicated and I simply could not put it all into one post but the short story is.... I graduated from high school when I was 16 and had a family emergency which put me in charge of the family business(which wasn't doing that well at the time) and it forced me to grow up at a very rapid pace. 5 years later things are much better and I have seen and done things that most my age simply can not understand, I lost my childhood quickly and was hurled into becoming a grown up probably prior to being ready for it. Now I am glad things happened the way they did and it just keeps getting better- meeting new friends(audiophiles), better tunes and more money(I am with in 6 months of closing my first 7 figure deal- which to me is a big deal)- there were more then a few nights I couldn't sleep- I had no clue what I was going to do the following day, but I made it and I won't stop, not now or ever :) Hope everyone is having a great Christmas day ~Tim