Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??

Just wondering who might be the absolute youngest Audiogoner to use this site and is a regular member?

If you are young, and think you may indeed be the youngest member, step forward and tell us your age and system. I think it might be cool to see how they differ from older members systems...
This is for fun, now be honest, we may ask you to prove it!

Nguyennnd- Thank you very much for your very kind words. The story that is my life is very complicated and I simply could not put it all into one post but the short story is.... I graduated from high school when I was 16 and had a family emergency which put me in charge of the family business(which wasn't doing that well at the time) and it forced me to grow up at a very rapid pace. 5 years later things are much better and I have seen and done things that most my age simply can not understand, I lost my childhood quickly and was hurled into becoming a grown up probably prior to being ready for it. Now I am glad things happened the way they did and it just keeps getting better- meeting new friends(audiophiles), better tunes and more money(I am with in 6 months of closing my first 7 figure deal- which to me is a big deal)- there were more then a few nights I couldn't sleep- I had no clue what I was going to do the following day, but I made it and I won't stop, not now or ever :) Hope everyone is having a great Christmas day ~Tim
Ah, I think I have you all beat haha. I'm 17, and just registered here about a month ago, but have been lurking since early this year.

I am finally going to upgrade my first system consisting of a Sony CD player, NAD C350, and Axiom M22ti speakrs. I think once I do this next big upgrade I'll actually have some quality sound coming out of my speakers. Right now my system sounds lifeless, especially since I just heard a $20k system in a store a few days ago.
Well, I'm 21 and I've been reading the site for almost 3 years, so I guess I was 18 when I started. Now I've got a Sony 9000es, Triangle Titus monitors, and a cairn 4808A integrated and think I've come a long way.