Who is the Youngest Audiogoner??

Just wondering who might be the absolute youngest Audiogoner to use this site and is a regular member?

If you are young, and think you may indeed be the youngest member, step forward and tell us your age and system. I think it might be cool to see how they differ from older members systems...
This is for fun, now be honest, we may ask you to prove it!

Well, it would appear you are our winner of the youngest Audiogoner. Now take it slow on the upgrades brother Jcdem, there is plenty of time to buy that 20k system the wife will hate you for!

:>) Audiojudge
I am 20, I joined about 6 months ago. I found out about this place when I came to America from Jamaica( a little more than a year now). Took me a little while to find out about this place though, i found this site while doing reasearch for speakers. Since I have joined and gotten some great ideas from you guys, my system sounds much better, but not as good as I want, but in time it will. Im a college student so I can only dream about having some of the systems that you guys own. Right now I have an AH! Noje Tjoeb cdp, Van Den Hul Bay C5 interconnect, Parasound HCA-750, cheap Acoustic Reasearch speaker wire, and the phenominal MMGs.

Any more Jamaicans out there?
If you ask my wife, she'll say me! My chronlogical age is in the 40's, but I am like a little kid on Christmas when it comes to audio.